Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Class 6 Assignment 8

Here are a couple of screenshots of the JiED early access article. These screenshots are form the  Journal of Immersive Education (JiED). 

Play Canvas

Above is a screenshot of the pricing for PlayCanvas. A very small amount of storage is available for free (200MB) and the prices increase from $15 monthly for 500MB up to $400 monthly for 10000 MB. There seems to be a plan that will fit any persons needs. 
I made a free account and played three games. WebGL would not run on Safari so I had to use Firefox. 
1. Bowling
2. Lego
3. Swoosh. This game was the hardest to play/maneuver 
Here is the "Learn" section of Play Canvas. Here you can see links to the User Manual and Getting Started. 

Creating a PlayCanvas Application

I renamed the root node "untitled" to "spinning cube".

I selected new box from the "New Entity" menu.

I changed the position levels for the camera to  0,0,5

I changed the rotation under directional light to 30,0,30

Here is the cube so far. Next I'll make it 3D.

I clicked the "box"tab, then selected entity from the drop down menu's, then add component, then script, and I named the script spinner.js

I altered the script (spinner.js) to match what was on the guide.

                                                  Here is the finished 3D Spinning Cube.

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