Sunday, November 30, 2014

Final Project: Building my Immersive Libraries/Museum

For my immersive library I first went onto the Meshmoon website and selected a layer for my library to be built on. I tried Winter Landscape and summer landscape and neither would load, so then I tried Spring Landscape and it has loaded with no issues.
Then I tried adding some media to it.

Spring Landscape

I added a brick wall on either side of my library to mark where it is. 

This is a link to my blog that I added. 

This is a test of my classmates immersive libraries. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Final Project: Adding 5 PDF Papers To My Immersive Library

In This exercise I've added 5 papers to my immersive library, JuliaHoffman91, which can me found on Meshmoon. These screenshots show each new paper.

                                                             Adding the first paper

The Second

The Third

The Fourth

The Fifth

This is an exercise in adding weblinks to an immersive library. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Friday, November 28, 2014

Class 7: Transparency

In this assignment I will use the transparency slider to control how much of a layer is see through. I'll create 3 layers, then alter the transparency of each layer.

Experimenting with the Slider.

 This image has each layer (The Purple and the Patriots Logo) on 100.00 on the transparency slider.
This image has each layer on 50.00 Opacity. 

Class 7: Text

In this assignment I will add5 pieces of text to a layer in the program GIMP, and then use the transparency slider to make the text somewhat transparent. Each text has a different transparency level which you can see in the screenshots.

The Final Image

Class 7: Scale

                      In this exercise I will scale an image using the program GIMP.

                                                    Here is the Ball Before Scaling

Here I have opened up the scale tool and will scale it down 50%

                                                    I have scaled down about 50%

                                              The scaled down image in GIMP.
The Final Scaled Down Image

Final 5c: My Customized Java Game

Here I chose my picture from the BC directory because it was already the correct size. I added the Immersive ED image the same way.

                                        Next I changed Snake and turtle to Person and iED in the coding section.

Here are a couple of screenshots of my game while it is running. 

Link to Customized Java Game

This is an exercise on Java programing. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Final #4: High Resolution Avatar

I made a detailed avatar using the MakeHuman software. With this software you can make an avatar for various virtual worlds. I selected second life for the world I would use mine in. 

Next I chose clothes, shoes and hair from the menus above the avatar, 

I changed the shirt.

Then I chose which eyelashes I wanted.

A close up of my complete, detailed avatar. 

This is an exercise on how to create a realistic avatar using MakeHuman. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Final #3: Group 3D Building Project

My job in the group building project is to build a pool and patio.
                                                    I selected which stone I wanted.

Then I built the patio.
Next I built the Pool with aqua colored blocks. 

This is a group project to build a house on Meshmoon. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

WebGL Chrome Experiments that FAIL IN FIREFOX

Saving Nemo and WebGL Terrain loaded more slowly than they did on Chrome but once loaded they worked fine.

The Farm was very problematic and it would not load. Once in the game you are prompted with an instruction to press your mouse/trackpad in order to disable it and enable WASD keys for movement within the game. You press escape to return to your computer. When The Farm was loading on Firefox it stopped at 18% but also disabled my mouse and my cursor disappeared. 

"The Farm" is a FIREFOX FAIL

Testing Classmates Experiments: As  of 5:30pm 11/20 these are all of the experiments chosen and the results in firefox. Most froze up when I opened them but a few worked fine. 

JS Racing-Did not Work-Froze my computer
Find Your Way to Oz-Worked in Standard not HD
City of Drones-Would not work
Racer S-Would not load
The Web Copter- Would not Load
Over the Hills-Would not load
4ir Pucks-Would not Load

Artificial Neural Network-Worked

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser

Below are screenshots from the three WebGL Web Experiments I chose as high quality examples for this assignment.

1. The first is called WebGL Terrain: WebGL Terrain
This program has very high quality graphics and ran great on my computer.
The first screenshot shows the program when you first open it, and the second shows it when you push the N key for night/day and the M key to make the terrain move.

2. This program is called farm: Farm WebGL
It took a very long time to load, but it is a high quality interactive program. It feels like a console based video game and I was very impressed with it. 

3. Saving Nemo: Saving Nemo Game
This is  Web based game. The point is to shoot the bubbles around the fish to save them from floating away. I was impressed with the quality of the game though I did have to reload twice for all of the graphics to load. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Class Ten: The Education Grid

Here are a couple of screenshots of information I was reading about the Education Grid. It discusses the history, legality, and open source status of the education grid. 
This screenshot discuses now the Education Grid is a free, open source system. The article states that open source systems do not disappear like their commercial/proprietary counterparts.